Course presentation

Course Level: 

Basic level course.  Approx: 15 minutes.

Course Description:

What are the factors leading to increased globalization? How to approach purchasing on a global market?   Which are the special challenges in low cost country sourcing. These questions are adressed in this introductions course to global sourcing.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course you will be able to 

  • describe the factors leading to increased globalization
  • describe how to approach purchasing on a global market 
  • and describe the special challenges in low cost country sourcing.

Who Should Enroll:

The course "Global Sourcing by EFFSO" is designed for a range of professionals who are involved in or interested in the procurement and supply chain management aspects of businesses. This course would be particularly beneficial for:

  • Procurement Managers and Specialists: Individuals who are responsible for sourcing goods and services for their companies. The course can enhance their understanding of global markets and help them navigate the complexities of international sourcing.
  • Supply Chain Professionals: Those involved in various aspects of the supply chain, from logistics to operations, can benefit from understanding how global sourcing impacts supply chain efficiency and risk management.
  • Business Executives and Entrepreneurs: Leaders and business owners looking to expand their operations internationally or leverage global sourcing to reduce costs and improve product offerings will find valuable strategies and insights in this course.
  • Students and Academics: Students studying business, supply chain management, or international trade, as well as academics researching in these areas, can deepen their knowledge of global sourcing practices.

Why This Course:

This course is suitable for anyone looking to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by global sourcing, including navigating global markets, understanding the impact of globalization, and addressing the specific challenges of sourcing from low-cost countries.


    1. Factors contributing to global trade.

    1. How to consider transactions cost, assuring right quality and selecting the right LCC.

    1. What to consider when integrating a global supplier in a supply chain.

    1. EFFSO Quiz 4: Global Sourcing - have you got it?

    1. Key takeaways from the course.

    2. Reflections after the course

About this course

  • €20,00
  • 8 lessons
  • Basic course - tactical buyer
  • 15 min
  • Quiz and Certificate


Get unbeatable procurement results! EFFSO’s extensive experience in procurement enables organizations to achieve concrete results. Regardless of the challenge!

EFFSO is a leading procurement consultancy in the Nordics, passionate about procurement excellence and change management. Since 2007, they've offered expert management consulting services in procurement, including spend analysis, potential assessment, category management, and more. EFFSO's experienced consultants manage everything from category projects to coordinating major transformations for procurement functions. They focus on developing procurement operations to achieve tangible results, enhancing the value of procurement in organizations. EFFSO also values nurturing procurement talent, offering great development opportunities and a friendly workplace.

For more information, visit EFFSO's homepage.

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About Learn How to Source

Learn How to Source is an online platform based in Sweden, offering a range of procurement courses accessible globally. It serves as a community where procurement experts share their knowledge through online courses, designed for various experience levels from introductory to expert. Courses are concise, about 30 minutes each, and cover different aspects of procurement, tailored for different buyer roles. The courses focus on practical knowledge, presented by seasoned professionals, and include quizzes and certificates. They can be accessed from any device, emphasizing microlearning for flexibility and efficiency.